Monday, January 19, 2009

Aloha Hawai'i - Day Before

Hello, Everyone. This is my Hawai'i photo blog. I will be using this to catalog, in words and pictures, my travels in Hawai'i. As you have probably noticed by now, i have been putting an apostrophe into the word Hawai'i. In Hawaiian the apostrophe indicates a pause. So you pronounce it Hawai - pause - i (pronounced E). Anyway I'd like to start my blog by chronicling the day before i left and then the first 4 days here.

Day Before:

The day before Liz (my friend and roomate) and I left, we had a bunch of friends meet us at Buffalo Wild Wings for one last Hurrah.Angela and Lauren came :)So did Amy and Dave!

Alysa, blake, amanda, ryan, kate, Jim and Will showed up also! Love you all and miss you!

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