Thursday, January 22, 2009

Job Surveys

OK, as I indicated in my last post, I've been filling out a lot of applications lately. One of the more annoying aspects of online applications are the long psychological surveys they have you answer to determine if you're lazy, a psycho or a thief. Normally these are pretty predictable surveys. I just completed a survey for the Hyatt Hotel and it had many of the standard questions on there.

Things such as:

43. You would rather have a job where you can focus on something rather than having many different things to do. Agree or Disagree

This question is obviously to determine whether you are good at multi-tasking

47. If you put more into a job than they are willing to pay you, you are cheating yourself. Agree or Disagree

This one wants to know if you'll work hard even though they pay you crap.

48. You are often discouraged. Agree or Disagree

Are you a Debbie Downer?

41. Your mood often changes from happiness to sadness without your knowing why.

Are you manic-deppressive?

etc. etc.

Now what makes this survey more absurd than most are the following questions:

32. There are fifty hours in a day. Agree or Disagree

Wth? Factually speaking, no... that's incorrect. I disagree with that statement?

53. There are eighty days in a month.

Again... nooo, that would be incorrect. I disagree? What are they testing me on here??

57. You can count to ten. agree or disagree

WHAT?! One, Two, Four, Fifteen, Seven, Twelve, TEN! What makes this so funny is that it's taken me an hour of application to even get to this point. OF COURSE i can count to 10.

71. You can read well enough to complete this survey. agree or disagree

Damn... i was doing so well up until this question. Hahaha and it's #71 out of the survey. Don't you think that would have presented an issue back on the first page of questions?

Congratulations Hyatt... you have outdone yourself. Just Outstanding.

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