Friday, January 23, 2009

Rainbows, Whales & Kaanapali Sunset

Aloha again! After a long day of job applications etc etc Liz and I decided to head up to Kaanapali for the sunset. On the way there we saw this.

Apparently this happens a lot on the islands. I'm more than amazed that it showed up as brilliantly on my camera as it did. Pretty spectacular rainbow.

Once we got to the beach there was a second rainbow behind one of the resorts that i got pictures of too.

Later that evening as the sun was starting to set i got a little picture happy. I thought this cloud looked like a horse... a great mighty steed of the heavens! /winny. Or a dragon breathing fire (what do dragons sound like?) ROAR!!!

I snapped this picture and then i realized there was a baby whale just going crazy out in the water.

That's when these happened!!! WOAH! from the beach i caught these!

This one's my favorite. Look at that little whale having so much fun out there! you can see it's little flipper!

Then came the color show.

This is the north star. It's so brilliant and comes out first. I could actually catch it on film with my camera. I may try to get some of the constellations on camera tonight. There are so few lights out here and we're so far from any city light saturation that the stars are so many and so bright.

I also took a video of the sunset. I uploaded it to YouTube and then posted it here for your viewing pleasure. Take a gander!


  1. Dragons? I'll tell you what dragons sound like. They sound like me, curled around a porcelain throne after a long night of red wine, Heinekens, and vodka shots.

  2. Wow... very insightful, Adam. Aren't you a little old for those reindeer games?
